Friday, July 20, 2007

Last Day in Canoa

Today is our last day of classes in Canoa. Saturday, we leave at 6:30 for Bahia and then an 8 hour bus ride back to Quito on bumpy twisty roads. Hope to arrive in Quito by 5 or 6 p.m. Saturday. Pray for safety. Sunday morning, we leave at 6:30 a.m. for another long trip into the jungle with our spanish teachers.

This week has been a very restful and refreshing week. The people here live in small houses made of babmoo or concrete. Most people are very friendly. I imagine often what it would be like to plant a church in a community like this. Yesterday, Judy and I rode back from San Vincente on a bus full of children returning from school and other travelers. There is a strong sense of community. Very few have cars, some have motorcycles, most use the buses or motorcycle/bicycle taxis.

We will miss this place, but we are eager to move on to the jungle and experience living with the indigenous Ecuadorians in their small jungle villages. Pray for health and safety and learning as we continue to travel. We have experienced your prayers in many ways and have felt a keen sense of God´s presence with us. Blessings to you all!


Anonymous said...

Glad you are in good health. May you be favored with safety and great experiences in the jungle.
The Longeneckers

Anonymous said...

Hello to the Zook family!!!!!!
Glad to hear that everything is going well. The pictures look beautiful where you are staying in Canoa!! We miss you!! We pray for your safety and health every night!Your stories are very interesting and somewhat creepy. Can't say that I would like all the spiders and snakes. (Diane) =)
Love, The Rissler's